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This Week's News
This week’s newsletter: Yisro
מזל טוב
Mazel Tov to Miles and Linda Levine on the birth of a great grandson in Israel
There will be a Kiddush this week following davening sponsored by Gabi Schwalbe on the occasion of his mother’s Yahrtzeit, Chaim Aruchim
Chaim Aruchim
We wish Chaim Aruchim to the following who have Yahrtzeits this week:
Shabbos, 17th Shevat – Gabi Schwalbe and Adina Kaufmann for their mother
Thurs, 22nd Shevat – Michael Lewin for his mother, Leivy and Dassy Goldman for their daughter
Ovos uBonois
Ovos Ubonois enjoyed their end of season event on motzei shabbos where the girls enjoyed a magic show and pizza and chipsur name against a Sedra on the list on the notice wall in the foyer
The Week Ahead
זמן שבת Mincha & K.S. Shacharis סןף זמן ק”ש Mincha Seuda Shlishis Motzei Shabbos Ovos uBonim Sun Mon / Thurs Tues / Wed / Fri Mincha & Maariv Late Maariv | 5.02pm 5.07pm 7.25am / 9.15am 9.55am 1.30pm / 4.50pm Following Mincha 6.10pm 7.10pm 7.15am / 8.20am / 9.30am 6.45am / 7.10am / 8.00am 6.45am / 7.20am / 8.00am 5.10pm 8.00pm |