Ohr Yerushalayim is a vibrant Kehilla with a wide range of regular events throughout the year. Whilst many are ad-hoc, there are some standard dates in the calendar:


  • Ovos U’Vonim programme – our popular and well attended learning programme takes place on Motzei Shabbos in the winter and on Shabbos afternoon in the summer. Nosh is given to all the children who attend, with a grand Melave Malka and prize giving at the end of the winter Season.


  • Simchas Beis Hashoeivo in the Rov’s Succah – Singing, Divrei Torah, Refreshments and the chance of a wee dram too. Men, Women and kids welcome.
  • Simchas Torah at OJ – lebedig Hakofos, plenty of treats for the kids followed by hot luncheon afterwards for members in the shul hall


  • Childrens Channukah Fun Day – fun for all the kids, followed by special childrens Menorah Lighting with guest speaker and Channukah Gelt distributed by the Rov


  • Purim – Family megilla Reading with a choice of times to suit – don’t forget your fancy dress costumes! Yeshivas Mordechai Hatzaddik learning programme for fathers and sons takes place in the afternoon.


  • Lag b’Omer family BBQ – games, music, good food and drink, topped off with our signature firework display!


  • Shavuos – Tikun Leil programme –  with 3 tracks to choose from, there is something for everyone – dynamic speakers in the main shul, chavrusa learning in the Beis Hamedrash or Learning programme in conjunction with Manchester Mesivta in the shul hall. Drinks and refreshments are available throughout the night followed by early Shacharis. Second day Yom Tov – there is a Neilas Hachag in the shul hall, with singing, guest speaker and refreshments


  • Melave Malka – arguably one of the highlights of the Shul’s social calendar. An opportunity to meet members old and new hear an Inspiring Guest Speaker, be entertained by our in-house entertainment topped off with live music and good food.
  • Annual Bas Mitzva Celebration – The Annual Bas Mitzva celebration  is for girls in the shul who have been Bas-Mitzva in the past year. All girls from years 6+ come together for a special celebration of this important milestone. This affords the girls an opportunity to socialise and to engage with the community all while having a greast time.