Details of the executive and sub-committees of the Shul are below, they will be pleased to discuss any matter relating to the Shul.

Please note it is not always possible to receive a timely response as the executive only have formal meetings periodically though they do liaise regularly and will endeavour to deal with queries promptly.

RovR’ Berel Cohen
Associate RovR’ Shaya Klyne
TusteesDov Black, Chizky Salomon, Avi Stern
TreasurerMarc Zemmel
Shabbos GabboimDov Brysh and Michael Freedman
MembershipAvi Stern and Marc Zemmel
ZY Gemach (Loans)Michael Wilks, Mark Duman
Meals & ChessedLauri Black, Talia Blackston, Dena Stern
Burial BoardMichael Freedman, Adrian Rodrigues-Pereira, Avi Stern
Hall BookingsChizky Salomon
Safeguarding OfficerFor any safeguarding concerns please speak in confidence to R’ Jonny Goodman or email

The Gabboim respectfully request that members remind them when they have a Chiyuv for an Aliya for a Simcha or Yahrzeit. Please be aware we do not make Azkoras on days when Tachanun would not be said. Accordingly please determine the nearest Shabbos and notify the Gabboim accordingly.