Details of the executive and sub-committees of the Shul are below, they will be pleased to discuss any matter relating to the Shul.
Please note it is not always possible to receive a timely response as the executive only have formal meetings periodically though they do liaise regularly and will endeavour to deal with queries promptly.
Rov | R’ Berel Cohen |
Associate Rov | R’ Shaya Klyne |
Tustees | Dov Black, Chizky Salomon, Avi Stern |
Treasurer | Marc Zemmel |
Shabbos Gabboim | Dov Brysh and Michael Freedman |
Membership | Avi Stern and Marc Zemmel |
ZY Gemach (Loans) | Michael Wilks, Mark Duman |
Meals & Chessed | Lauri Black, Talia Blackston, Dena Stern |
Burial Board | Michael Freedman, Adrian Rodrigues-Pereira, Avi Stern |
Hall Bookings | Chizky Salomon |
Safeguarding Officer | For any safeguarding concerns please speak in confidence to R’ Jonny Goodman or email |
The Gabboim respectfully request that members remind them when they have a Chiyuv for an Aliya for a Simcha or Yahrzeit. Please be aware we do not make Azkoras on days when Tachanun would not be said. Accordingly please determine the nearest Shabbos and notify the Gabboim accordingly.